Rendering cheatsheet

The what-is-what document for various elements in rendering. Useful to stop mixing names of different, but similarly called methods. Also good for young researchers to gain some nomenclature and an overview of the field.

Radiometry units (light representation)

Radiant flux (power) [W]

Irradiance [W/m^2]

Radiance [W/(sr×m^2)]

Rendering methods (scene traversal)

Forward renderer

Deferred renderer

Ray tracing

Path tracing

Bidirectional path tracing

  1. Trace some paths from camera
  2. Trace some paths from light sources
  3. Connect the them up


Photon mapping

Next event estimation

Shading (interpolation)

Flat shading

Gouraud shading

Phong shading

BRDF models (Bidirectional reflectance distribution function)


Phong model

Blinn-Phong model

Cook–Torrance model

Ward model

Oren–Nayar model
